This is your invitation to start thinking differently, to let go of the pressure to be anything other than you.

Do you want someone to be by your side, holding you accountable in your quest for transformation?

We all want to feel connected, empowered, living the life of our dreams in all it's glory. Whatever life has thrown at us, we have the power and ability to transform from the inside out. I want to help you get there.

Are You Ready?

Living Your Life in Full Colour

So often we feel we are not quite doing life like we know we could. We know there is more we could be doing to show up for ourselves, but we are holding back, unable to make the necessary steps to really up level and empower ourselves from the inside out.

Transformation is available to all of us and happiness is our birthright…so why do so many of us create blocks to get there?

My mission and passion is to help you uncover your wildest dreams and turn them into reality. I'm here to fully support you in your experience of change, in an open-minded, compassionate, dynamic, nurturing and empathetic way.

Thank you Lucy for lighting up the pathway, I already feel focused and able to see the way forward through to a happier me. Deeply safe space I felt heard and understood. I feel Lucy has shone a light on my own toolbox to heal.
— Jessica, London

Don't Wait, Start Creating Your Life on Your Terms


  • Feeling confused and anxious about what next steps to take

  • Need support and guidance with a future life decision

  • Can't stop procrastinating and putting blocks up

  • Want to break negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs

  • Are ready to discover that inner guide and wisdom

  • Know you need to get your mind and body connected, fit and aware

  • Feeling stressed out and burnt out

  • Know there is another way but can't make the decision or take the leap

  • Going through a breakup or divorce

  • Need support with co-parenting and managing your kids

  • Feel frightened and overwhelmed about the future

  • Feeling you have low self-esteem and lack of confidence

  • You know there is another way to live your life fully, but you don't know how to go about it

  • Tired of talking to friends and family and going around in circles trying to find answers

  • Finally know you are ready want to step up and step in to your future dream life.


  • Be more present in your life

  • Start to become much more aware of your thoughts and feelings

  • Feel more vibrant and in control

  • Break free of bad habits

  • Get out of that stuck place and into flow

  • Release yourself from overwhelming fear and negative behaviour

  • Create a future vision and map it out

  • Become much more aware of yourself and how you cope with life situations

  • Set boundaries and keep them up

  • Communicate more effectively

  • Let go of fear and it controlling you

  • Work and release anxiety and low self-esteem

  • Tap into your infinite power

  • Start to live your life with renewed vigour and passion

  • Get rid of limiting beliefs

  • Act with confidence, because you feel more confident.

Our session left me with so much to think about and I can’t believe we got to so many important points within an hour - you are brilliant

Transformational Activation Session

This is for you if you want a clear, focused, life enhancing activation session.

In 90 minutes we will unpick your current situation and understand what needs to be done in order for you to move forward.

Why this session is for you
  • You want to work out where you are in your life and what you can change

  • You want to step away from a current situation but you don't know how to go about it

  • You are confused about your future and you are ready to work out how to create one that fully serves you

  • You want to look at creating a sharp focused plan for the coming year

  • You want to change limiting beliefs and blocks that are holding you back

  • You want a clear plan of action to step into your power and life beyond limits.

What you will get from the session
  • We will breakdown and investigate the key areas of your life and what is out of balance

  • We will look closely at how we can change the areas in your life that aren't serving you

  • We will look at a clear plan for a future vision for the next 12 months

  • We will set goals and strategies to make that happen and activate your power

  • We will work out why you are holding yourself back and what is limiting you

  • We will work out all the questions in a loop in your head and find some clarity

  • We will work with the empowerment activation tools to make all of this happen and create a life that you truly desire

  • We will create a 12 month vision plan with strategies to achieve all you wish for along the way.


“I always recommend that we work together for 6 weeks to get the most out of your transformation”.

What an incredible coaching session Lucy, thank you for lighting up the pathway. I already feel focused and able to see the way forward through to a happier me.
You created a deeply safe space where I felt heard and understood. I feel you have shined a light on my own tools to heal. I know this journey will have a beautiful destination that I can now see.
In the coaching sessions I did with Lucy, we covered a lot of ground. She was professional and very passionate in her practice, I found it to be really helpful and transformative, I am looking forward to working with her more.
— Hannah, London
I am so ready to work with you!

To see you up-level and empower yourself to fully step into the life of your wildest dreams.

Other Coaching Programmes

I offer lots of different coaching options including Divorce & Break-Up Coaching plus my Loss to Liberation Group and 1:1 Programmes.

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Divorce and Break-Up Coaching

Divorce and break-up can be overwhelming, you are coping with the feelings of separation, finances, co-parenting if you have kids, fear and loneliness, trauma and shame.

My aim is to take you by the hand and to help you 'rise again'. I do this through my unique blending pot of tools, so you can feel held and supported, not only emotionally but with the practical aspects of a breakup or divorce.

Loss to Liberation Programmes

Through my own experience of heartache and loss I have created a completely unique transformational programme for anyone going through a breakup or divorce.

Over 10 weeks we work together so you can fully transform, start again and transition from feelings of Loss to the freedom of Liberation.

Would You Like a Taster of What a Life Coaching Session Can Do For You?